Privacy Policy


This website is owned by the Department of Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra), and administered on behalf of Defra for the UK Government by the Clean Catch consortium team formed of Arribada Initiative, MMOC, Zoological Society of London, Mindfully Wired, and Cefas (hereafter “the Clean Catch consortium team”).

Website content is managed by Mindfully Wired, contracted to complete communications for Clean Catch.

For more information please contact

By using our website you are agreeing to our privacy policy and to our terms and conditions.


This website does not collect any data about visitors, other than that related to cookies and anonymous statistics used for visitor analytics. How these processes are managed are outlined further in the sections below.

If you ask a question via email about Clean Catch, any information you provide is responsibly handled and is managed subject to:

Defra’s Personal Information Charter:

Cefas’ Data Management Policy:


To make this site work properly, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. Most websites do this. For a list of cookies that we use, please see the table below:

_gaGoogle AnalyticsUsed to identify users and generate statistical data on the way they use our website.
_gidGoogle AnalyticsUsed to identify users and generate statistical data on the way they use our website.
_gatGoogle AnalyticsUsed by Google Analytics to limit request rates.
cerber_groovewebsiteA security cookie used to validate the user session.
wordpress_test_cookiewebsiteUsed to identify whether the current browser supports the use of cookies.
wordpress_logged_in_websiteUsed to identify whether the current user is logged in.
wordpress_sec_[hash]websiteUsed to store authentication details.
wp-settings-websiteUsed to customise users view of the admin interface, and possibly the main site interface.
wp-settings-time-websiteUsed to customise users view of the admin interface, and possibly the main site interface.
analyticswebsiteStores the user’s cookie consent state for analytical-based cookies

Each visitor has control over their cookies placement. You can control and or delete cookies as you wish by checking your browser settings on each device.


When you sign up to receive the Clean Catch newsletter via this website, we use Mailchimp as the platform to manage your personal information. Users can subscribe through an online process should they wish to do so, but do so at their own discretion. Some newsletter subscriptions may be manually processed by us, through prior written agreement with the user.

Any information you provide through this process is securely kept on the Mailchimp servers, to a standard appropriate for European law. Mailchimp’s privacy policy for managing your information can be found on their website:

Any information you submit through this process is used by Clean Catch to send you emails containing information and updates about Clean Catch. Your contact information is not used for any other purposes.


Although this website only looks to include quality, safe and relevant external links, users are advised to adopt a policy of caution before clicking on any external web links mentioned throughout this website.

The owners of this website cannot guarantee or verify the contents of any external linked website despite their best efforts. Users should therefore note that they click on external links at their own risk, and this website and its owners cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any external links mentioned. ​


A visitor analytics platform measures the traffic coming to this website. By collecting statistics about the visitors to this website (e.g. which pages they visit and when, where the users are approximately located, where they land first or if they are coming from a specific referral), we can make your visitor experience better, as we use this information to tailor a more user-friendly experience.

All data collected for analytics is pseudonymised. We will never use the collected data to identify individual users or to match it with additional information on an individual user.


Communication, engagement and actions taken by this website and its owners on external social media platforms are custom to the terms and conditions and the privacy policies held with each social media platform respectively.

Users are advised to use social media platforms wisely, and communicate or engage with them with due care and caution in regard to their own privacy and personal details. Neither website nor its owners will ever ask for personal or sensitive information through social media platforms. We encourage users wishing to discuss sensitive details to contact us through primary communication channels such as by the email address provided below.


This website and its owners, on their social media accounts, may share web links to relevant web pages. Users are advised to take caution and use good judgement before clicking any shortened URLs published on social media platforms by this website and its owners. Despite the best efforts to ensure only genuine URLs are published, many social media platforms are prone to spam and hacking, and therefore this website and its owners cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any shortened links.


Your data may be shared with the Clean Catch consortium team who administer Clean Catch, on behalf of the Department of Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra) for the UK Government.

Your data is shared when we are required to do so by law, or to provide services to fulfil our public task. Where we know there is a requirement to share your personal data we will tell you why and who we will share your personal data with. We will ensure that the data processor agrees to handle your data in accordance with your rights

Further information about how the Clean Catch consortium team and Defra use your data is available:


If you have any privacy-specific concerns please contact us at

Explore the Bycatch Mitigation Hub to find possible measures to reduce bycatch

We use third-party cookies to personalise content and analyse site traffic.

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